Tuesday, January 31, 2017



Throwing - Wide Release Flicks + Wrist Mechanics + Disc Golf
Wind: 4 mph, Temp: 28F

Field Strong
Warm Up:
Foam Rolling
4-Way Hip Stretch
Glute Bridges
Miniband Psoas Activation
T-Spine Rotation
Front Plank
Side Plank
Ankle Mobility
Toe Touch Squats
PVC Hip Hinge
A Skips
B Skips
C Skips
Power Snatch 6x2:
Warm Up: Snatch Grip Deadlifts, High and Low Power Snatches (45)
Warm Up: 45, 65, 75
Work: 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 100

Back Squat 3x5:
Warm Up: 45x8, 90x5, 140x5, 185x5, 230x3, 270x1
Work: 270x5, 270x4, 270x3
Back Off: 225x3, 225x3, 75x5 (speed)

20 Plyo Skater Hips
10 Side Plank Cap Morgan R
10 KB Deadbug - feet
10 Side Plank Cap Morgan L

RFESS 3x10ea (35 kb ea hand)
Cool Down: Stretch


I listened to more of Ulysses.


Today I did not hit 3x5 at 270 squatting.  I was only able to get 4 reps on the 2nd set and 3 reps on the 3rd set.  It is a good thing I was using a rack with pins today.  While it doesn't feel good to not hit the target, this is an expected part of the linear progression plan.  I will be deloading my squat and will work to build back up.  I feel pretty good about the strength progress I have made in the last few months.  My lifetime personal best 5 rep max back squat is 280.  So it feels good to be back in that ballpark in some respects.

Here are my squat lifetime PBs:

5 RM: 280 (1/24/13)
2 RM: 295 (5/10/13)
1 RM: 310 (1/17/13)

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