Tuesday, January 24, 2017



Throwing - Wrist Mechanics, Wide Releases, Disc Golf
Wind: 1 mph, Temp: 44F

Field Strong
Warm Up
Foam Rolling
4-Way Hip
Hip Lifts
Banded Psoas Activation
Kneeling T-Spine Rotation
Front Plank
Side Plank
Toe Touch Squats
PVC Hip Hinge
Power Snatch 6 x 2
Warm up sequence - Snatch Deadlift, Low, Med, High Power Snatches
Hang Power Snatches: 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90

Back Squat 3x5
Warm Up: 45x8, 95x5, 135x5, 185x5, 225x3
Work: 260 x 3 x 5

50 yd Prowler Push (3 plates)
10 Med Ball Toe Touches
Cool Down: Stretching, voodoo band


I did not read.


I listened to a show on npr called "indivisible".  The concept is it's a live radio show that takes calls and people talk about their political differences of opinion.  It was interesting.

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