Friday, January 13, 2017



Throwing - Wide Flick Mechanics
Wind: 10 mph, Temp: 24 F

Field Strong
Warm up:
Foam Rolling
4-Way Hip Stretch
Glute Raises
Mini-band Side Shuffles
40 Box Jumps (24")
30 Push Ups
20 Pull Ups

Barbell Step Ups, 8 per leg, stability focus (~20")
45, 95, 95, 95, 105

Med ball toe touches 4x10

KB Supported Deadbugs Arms Only
KB Supported Deadbugs Feet Only
Cool Down

Hip Prehab with KB


I started re-reading "Sacred Hoops" by Phil Jackson.  This was one of the first coaching books I read.  I picked it up randomly in a thrift store a few years before I started coaching without really knowing what it was.  I ended up loving the book, despite how crazy Phil gets when he's talking about mixing spirituality and basketball.  I really enjoy Phil Jackson's coaching philosophies.  I'm rereading this book as a refresher and to see if my understanding of the book has changed at all.


9.1% progress towards my throwing goal.  The goal is 25,000 focused throws by May 1.

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