Tuesday, January 31, 2017



Throwing - Wide Release Flicks + Wrist Mechanics + Disc Golf
Wind: 4 mph, Temp: 28F

Field Strong
Warm Up:
Foam Rolling
4-Way Hip Stretch
Glute Bridges
Miniband Psoas Activation
T-Spine Rotation
Front Plank
Side Plank
Ankle Mobility
Toe Touch Squats
PVC Hip Hinge
A Skips
B Skips
C Skips
Power Snatch 6x2:
Warm Up: Snatch Grip Deadlifts, High and Low Power Snatches (45)
Warm Up: 45, 65, 75
Work: 95, 95, 95, 95, 95, 100

Back Squat 3x5:
Warm Up: 45x8, 90x5, 140x5, 185x5, 230x3, 270x1
Work: 270x5, 270x4, 270x3
Back Off: 225x3, 225x3, 75x5 (speed)

20 Plyo Skater Hips
10 Side Plank Cap Morgan R
10 KB Deadbug - feet
10 Side Plank Cap Morgan L

RFESS 3x10ea (35 kb ea hand)
Cool Down: Stretch


I listened to more of Ulysses.


Today I did not hit 3x5 at 270 squatting.  I was only able to get 4 reps on the 2nd set and 3 reps on the 3rd set.  It is a good thing I was using a rack with pins today.  While it doesn't feel good to not hit the target, this is an expected part of the linear progression plan.  I will be deloading my squat and will work to build back up.  I feel pretty good about the strength progress I have made in the last few months.  My lifetime personal best 5 rep max back squat is 280.  So it feels good to be back in that ballpark in some respects.

Here are my squat lifetime PBs:

5 RM: 280 (1/24/13)
2 RM: 295 (5/10/13)
1 RM: 310 (1/17/13)

Monday, January 30, 2017



No workout - Rest day


I read some more of "The Art of Captaincy".


My sickness appears to be fading.  3 stars would recommend



No workout - Rest Day


I read a bit of "The Art of Captaincy" by Mike Brearley.  I am not that far along, but strong recommend so far to anyone interested in becoming a captain of something.


RIP NOM / Long live NOM



No workout - Rest Day


I did not read.


I slept as many hours as possible today.



Throwing - Wrist Mechanics

Field Strong
Warm Up
Foam Rolling
4-way Hip Stretch
Cook Hip Lift
Banded Psoas Activation
Valslide Psoas Activation
Side Plank
Miniband In-Outs
Miniband Shuffles
Toe Touch Squats
Deadlift 1 x 5:
Warm up: 135 x 8, 205 x 5, 245 x 5, 275 x 3, 305 x 1
Work: 325 x 5

Back Squat 3 x 5:
Warm up: 45  x 8, 95 x 5, 145 x 5, 195 x 5, 235 x 3, 265 x 1
Work: 265 x 3 x 5
Cool Down


I did not read.


1. I was feeling sick today, hopefully I can be over it soon.



No Throwing

Footwork + Conditioning
Dynamic Warm Up
Low Drop Step Acceleration Footwork
6 x 300 at 1:1.5
Drop Step Hollywood Squares
3-Man Marking
Cool Down

SMR and Activation Drills


I did not read today, but I listened to more of "Indivisible", NPRs live radio show about politics in the nation.



Throwing - Low Backhand Wrist Mechanics
Wind: 0 mph, Temp: 37 F

Field Strong
Warm Up
Foam Rolling
4-Way Hip Stretch
Strict Pull Ups
Empty Bar Strict Press
Pillar to Plank Press Up
Bench Press 3x5:
45 x 5, 95 x 5, 140 x 3 x 5

Every minute on the minute for 10 min:
Row 15 calories
Cool Down


I started listening to "Ulysses" by James Joyce.  No real rhyme or reason to this pick, except it happened to be in Cs audible library.

Tuesday, January 24, 2017



Throwing - Wrist Mechanics, Wide Releases, Disc Golf
Wind: 1 mph, Temp: 44F

Field Strong
Warm Up
Foam Rolling
4-Way Hip
Hip Lifts
Banded Psoas Activation
Kneeling T-Spine Rotation
Front Plank
Side Plank
Toe Touch Squats
PVC Hip Hinge
Power Snatch 6 x 2
Warm up sequence - Snatch Deadlift, Low, Med, High Power Snatches
Hang Power Snatches: 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90

Back Squat 3x5
Warm Up: 45x8, 95x5, 135x5, 185x5, 225x3
Work: 260 x 3 x 5

50 yd Prowler Push (3 plates)
10 Med Ball Toe Touches
Cool Down: Stretching, voodoo band


I did not read.


I listened to a show on npr called "indivisible".  The concept is it's a live radio show that takes calls and people talk about their political differences of opinion.  It was interesting.

Monday, January 23, 2017



Throwing - Longer Shots
Wind: 4 mph, Temp: 40F

Hip Mobility and Correctives - 45 min

Light Recovery Jog


I did not read.





Throwing - Midrange Floaters

Footwork and Conditioning
Dynamic Warm Up
Low Hip Acceleration Mechanics
Deceleration Mechanics
8 x 300 at 1:2


I did not read.


Today I went to the Womens March Chicago with a group of friends.  It was a great time.  In my mind, showing support for the important women in my life is a no-brainer.  I have a hard time understanding people who aren't in support of the women around them.  Doesn't everyone have important women in their life, and if you do, how can you not be in support of them, how can you be unwilling to fight on their behalf?

My belief is that rallies and protests do not directly effect change or influence politicians currently in office in a significant way.  But I do believe that they can have a massive impact on galvanizing and organizing grassroots campaigns that can lead to support of representatives who are in line with those beliefs.  Especially at the local level.  So while I don't think the rally itself will directly lead to change, I think that a rally can serve to get the ball rolling on the actions that do lead to tangible change.



Throwing - Wide Flicks, Quick Release Backhands, Low Backhands, Flick Hucks, Backhand Hucks
Wind: 1 mph, Temp: 38F

Field Strong
Warm Up
10 Reverse Shrugs on Dip Bars
Banded Tricep Extensions
Lunge Iso Holds
10ea Landmine Push Press (just the bar)
5-way upper body med ball plyo circuit

Press 3x5: 45x8, 75x5, 97.5 x 3 x 5

Seated Incline DB Press 5s: 30s, 35s, 40s, 45s, 50s

Circuit x 3:
Bicep Curls
Skull Crushers
Cool Down


I did not read.


Today is presidential inauguration day.  I do not support this president and what he represents through his words and actions.


Friday, January 20, 2017



Throwing - Invert Flick Mechanics
Wind: 2 mph, Temp: 40F

Field Strong
Warm up & Correctives:
Foam Rolling
4-Way Hip Stretch
Cook Hip Lifts
LAX Glutes
Posterior Capsule Rock
Banded Psoas Activation
Supine Valslide Psoas Activation
Side Plank
Mini Band In-Outs
Front Plank
SLDL to Vertical Jump
Jog for 5 minutes - Slow pace
Deadlift 1x5, work up with sets of 5, do at least 4
Warm Up: 135x5, 225x5, 255x5, 285x5
Work: 315x5

Back Squat 3x5
Warm Up: 45x8, 95x5, 135x5, 185x3, 225x3, 255x1
Work: 255x3x5

10 ea Dynamic Step Ups
10 ea Renegade Rows (10)
Cool Down: Stretch


I did not read.


This was a difficult workout.  I was kind of dreading it all day, wondering if my tired legs could handle the weights.  Some of the squat reps flew up, and some of them were grind-y.  However, the last set of 5 squats near the very end of the workout probably felt the best of the whole workout.  Bodies are weird.  Also, why was I dreading it?  I wasn't even at the gym yet.  Fight the battle in front of you, not the one in your mind.

Things I tell myself before doing a last set of squats:
- "Make these the best/cleanest reps all day"



Throwing - Low Backhand Wrist Mechanics
Wind: 10 mph, Temp: 35F

Footwork and Conditioning
Dynamic Warm Up
Ladder Drills
Low Hips 2 foot hop
Low Hips Icky Shuffle
Low Hips Crossover Turns
Shuffling Figure 8 Drill
Low Hips Muti-directional Starts
8 x 300 at 1:2
- Set a good time on rep 1, finish within 10 sec on all subsequent reps
- Maintain good turning mechanics on later reps


I finished "Modern Romance".  Has "popsych" been coined yet?


Older dogs & newer tricks

I have a theory that it's easier for new players to implement focuses in scrimmages.  My thought is that this is because everything is new for them, so focusing on something specific is just as simple (or as difficult) as learning anything else.  So when everything is new, those players are careful and mindful so that they can implement the focus properly.  But if the players have been playing for a while, I think they can have trouble implementing a new focus.  One idea is that those players are more likely to just put themselves on autopilot and are looking to go out and execute, since they have a large base of playing habits already.  Another idea is that they are distracted by all of the other things they are focusing on that they "forget" the focus.  I'm leaning towards the first thought, but haven't totally abandoned the second.  I find it interesting that some of the best and most experienced players have the most trouble with this.  Perhaps this is because those players are the ones who are able to find success through their base of habits and experience by acting without too much thought.

Regardless, I think it's critical to be able to react and adjust quickly and appropriately.  I think it's possible that players can get too automatic, to the degree that they can be defensively or offensively exploited.

A simple example of this is practicing offense versus matchup D and versus zone.  Let's say a player plays against exclusively matchup D for a few years, and becomes proficient at offensively attacking this kind of defense.  Let's say they find success by creating some habits, and are able to improve their effectiveness by making these habits automatic and decreasing decision times.  If this player encounters a new kind of defense, such as a zone, while they are playing automatically, the same concepts that helped them in matchup D likely won't be as effective.  In this way I think it is possible to become too rigid when working with pattern recognition and habits.

I think players should work towards contextualizing habits and should be flexible enough to implement relevant skills when adjustments are needed.  It seems obvious to me that this requires varying the degree to which people can self-automate in practices.

Wednesday, January 18, 2017



Throwing - Blades, Offhands, Overheads
Wind: 6 mph, Temp: 39F

Field Strong
Warm Up:
Foam Rolling
4-way Hip Stretch
Hip Lifts
Banded Psoas Activation
Kneeling T-Spine
Front Plank
Side Plank
Ankle Mobility
5 Strict Pull Up
10 Valslide Kneeling Push Up
5 Hanging Seated Twists
Plyo Conditioning:
Rotational Med Ball Slams
12, 12, 9, 9, 6, 6, 3, 3

Shin Hips
2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5

Bench Press 3x5:
45x10, 95x5, 135 x 3 x 5

10 Incline Push Ups
30 sec Banded Tricep Extensions
Cool Down: Stretching, Foam Rolling


I am re-reading "Modern Romance" by Aziz Ansari.  It's kind of popsci psych, pretty funny.



Tuesday, January 17, 2017



Throwing - Wrist Mechanics, Wide Releases, Disc Golf
Wind: 1 mph, Temp: 35 F, Raining

Field Strong
Warm up:
Foam Rolling
4-way hip
Hip Lifts
Leg Raises
Toe Touch Squats
Goblet Squat Holds
5 Snatch Grip DL (45)
5 Power Snatch (45)
2 Full Snatch (45)
10 Reverse Shrugs on Dip Bars
2x6 Power Snatch:
45, 65, 85, 75, 65, 65

Bodyweight Eccentric GHR:
4, 4, 3, 3, 2

Back Squat 3x5:
Warm Up: 45 x 5, 95 x 5, 135 x 5, 185 x 3, 225 x 3, 250 x 1
Work: 250 x 3 x 5

Triple Broad Jumps

15 Ball Slams
1 min jump rope
Cool Down: Stretching


I did not read.


13.53% progress towards throwing goal.

Throwing outside in the rain is good practice.  If I recall correctly, the weather today was basically a windless version of GL regionals 2016.



Throwing - 40 yard shots
Wind: 4 mph, Temp: 34F

Rest Day


No reading.



Throwing - Disc angle, pump fake practice
Indoors, no wind

Dynamic Warm Up
Outside foot push progression - focusing on low hips and good shin angle
6 x 300 at 1:2


I did not read.


Champe ran the 300s with me.  He won the last 4.  Next time I'll win the majority of them.



Throwing - Offhands, Overheads, Blades, R&D
Wind: 4 mph, Temp: 19F

Field Strong
Warm Up:
Foam Rolling
4-way Hip Stretch
Ankle Walks
High Knee Lunges
High Knees
20 1-arm Landmine Push Presses (45)

As many reps as possible in 5 min:
Sandbag Shoulder Toss (~50)

Somewhere around 75 reps
Cool Down


I did not read.



Friday, January 13, 2017



Throwing - Wide Flick Mechanics
Wind: 10 mph, Temp: 24 F

Field Strong
Warm up:
Foam Rolling
4-Way Hip Stretch
Glute Raises
Mini-band Side Shuffles
40 Box Jumps (24")
30 Push Ups
20 Pull Ups

Barbell Step Ups, 8 per leg, stability focus (~20")
45, 95, 95, 95, 105

Med ball toe touches 4x10

KB Supported Deadbugs Arms Only
KB Supported Deadbugs Feet Only
Cool Down

Hip Prehab with KB


I started re-reading "Sacred Hoops" by Phil Jackson.  This was one of the first coaching books I read.  I picked it up randomly in a thrift store a few years before I started coaching without really knowing what it was.  I ended up loving the book, despite how crazy Phil gets when he's talking about mixing spirituality and basketball.  I really enjoy Phil Jackson's coaching philosophies.  I'm rereading this book as a refresher and to see if my understanding of the book has changed at all.


9.1% progress towards my throwing goal.  The goal is 25,000 focused throws by May 1.



Throwing - Low backhand wrist mechanics
Wind: 7 mph, Temp: 38 F

Champe Challenge:
5 min of plank
100 push ups

300 yd shuttles, 6 reps at 1:2


I did not read today.


Nut practice tonight!  I am fully torqued for the season.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017



Throwing: Grip and Shape in high wind
Wind: 30 mph gusting to 55 mph, Temp: 38 F

Field Strong:
Warm Up:
15 minutes - C2 Rower, moderate pace
Close Grip Bench
95x8, 105x8, 115x8, 125x8

Seated DB Press
35x2x10, 45x2x10

Deficit Push Ups

30 sec Iron Man Holds
30 sec Super Man Holds
10 reverse shrugs on dip bars
Cool Down: Vertical Column Side Stretch

Hip Prehab and Stretches - 45 min


I finished listening to "A Man Named Ove" today.  It was better than I expected.

- I drove to Indy and back today.

- It was extremely windy.  It was windy enough to emulate midwestern tournament field sites I think.  I think it gets this windy fewer than 10 times per year, so opportunities to practice throwing in that kind of wind are pretty limited.



Throwing: Wrist Mechanics and Disc Golf

Field Strong:
Warm Up:
Foam Rolling
4-way hip stretch
15 minutes of Jump Rope (2 leg, 1 leg, alternating, 2x2, 2x1)
Back Squat:
Warm Up: 45x5, 95x5, 135x5
Work: 185x10, 195x9, 205x8, 215x7, 225x6

10 banded hamstring curls
10ea bulgarian split squat (bodyweight)

4-way deadbugs
Pillar hold hip drop and reach
Cool Down:
20 Elevated Single arm KB RDL
Active hamstring stretch with band
Vertical Column Side Stretch

I started listening to "A Man Named Ove" today.

My body remembered how to jump rope today.

Monday, January 9, 2017



This was day 2 of Naperchill!


I did not read.


Naperchill random stuff:

- We ended up tied for 3rd.  This is the same finish that we have had each of the last 3 years.
- Heroic defensive efforts from Champe and Fergus weren't enough to get us through the Madison team.
- We either won our game by 10+ or lost by 10+, we had zero close games, going 5-2.
- We were bad at:
1. Being Tall
2. Scoring from near the Endzone
3. Defending/Attacking the over the top break space (blade/scoober/hammer space)
- We were good at:
1. Running a lot
2. Throw and go moves
3. Handler Defense
- Last year I was a more active captain and I felt like I wasted my breath saying useless stuff.  This year the plan was to let the players play.  The biggest thing that is holding us back right now is our lack of a simple, executable endzone system, so my goal was to implement something for that and let the rest figure itself out.  It didn't work, it is likely the system was too simplistic and easy to defend.
- The winning team had kurt, but frankly he played badly in our game vs them.  Not that they needed him, as they beat us by 10+.
- Adam, quoting Illinois Goose: "Mentally dominant teams win close games, but physically dominant teams don't have close games."



This was day 1 of Naperchill!


No reading.



Throwing - Focusing on Shape + Wrist Snap in the wind

Mobility - Deep Squat Low Back Progression


I finished "A Spy Among Friends".  It was okay.  If I was a cold-war era spy enthusiast, maybe I would have liked it more.  Side note, the voice actor did a fantastic job switching between a huge variety of british, russian, and american accents.


Naperchill is tomorrow!



Throwing - Wrist Mechanics and Side Step Hucks

Field Strong
Warm Up:
Foam Rolling
4-way hip stretch
Glute Bridges
Alternating Contralateral Deadbugs
Cpt morgan with vertical support
Deadlift 1x5:
Warm Up: 135x5, 185x5, 245x5, 265x3, 285x2
Work: 305 x 1 x 5

Prowler Push, 150, 50yds
15 Hollow Rocks
Cool D


I listened to more of "A Spy Among Friends".


Naperchill is this weekend!

Thursday, January 5, 2017



Throwing (290) - Wrist Mechanics
Wind: 17mph gusting, Temp: 17F

Prehab and Stretching
Foam Rolling
Hip Flexor Stretch
Adductor Stretch
Piriformis Stretch
Adductor Stretch with strap
Mini Band Side Shuffles
Mini Band Hip Abduction
Side Lying Hip Abduction (weighted)
Side Lying Hip Adduction (weighted)
Standing Band Resisted Hip Adduction
Ball Split Squat
Ball Eccentric Hamstring Curl
Valslide Eccentric Hamstring Curl
Shoulder internal rotation
Side raises + front raises


I listened to more of "A Spy Among Friends".  Apparently spies don't like to be told they have been fooled.
I read more of "The Book of Basketball".  Simmons talks about "most dominant team".



Wednesday, January 4, 2017



Throwing - Disc Golf (got obliterated)

Field Strong
Warm Up:
PVC Foam Rolling
4-Way Hip Stretch
Glute Bridges
Miniband-Side Shuffles
Lunge Position Pallof Press
Spiderman Lunge Elbow to Heel
10 Push Ups
10 Empty Bar Overhead Press
Bench Press 3x5: 45x5, 95x5, 140 x 3 x 5

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Sandbag Push Press (~50 lbs)
5 Sandbag Dynamic Push Up

5 Parallel Bar Dips
Dumbbell HPC (35)
10 Ab Wheel Roll outs (kneeling)
Cool Down: Stretching


I listened to more of "A spy among friends".  I also read more of "The Book of Basketball".  When Bill talks about Vegas, it doesn't interest me.  When he talks the game, the skills, the coaches, anything basketball, it's great.  I actually like his idea of a pyramid hall of fame of basketball in Indiana, but I think there definitely needs to be space in the pantheon (top 12) for future players.


I smashed myself in the chin pretty good with the sandbag.  But sandbag push presses are pretty fun/awkward/tough.

Tuesday, January 3, 2017



Field Strong
Foam Rolling
4-Way Hip
Jump Rope
Empty Bar Strict Press
Pillar to Plank Press Up
Superman Holds
Banded Support Full Squat
Power Clean 4x4:
Clean Warm Up (45)
Warm Up: 45 x 5, 95 x 3, 145 x 3
Work: 157.5 x 4 x 4

Hang Power Clean 5x1:
157.5, 165, 170, 175, 180

Front Squat
Warm Up: 45x8, 95x3, 135x3
Work: 145x8, 155x8, 165x8, 175x6, 185x6
20 ea Dynamic Step ups
5 Shin Hops

15 Russian KB Swings (60)
8 Banded Full GHRs
Cool Down


I read more of "The Book of Basketball".


We made ravioli from scratch for dinner.  They were delicious.



No workout - Rest Day


I read more of "The Book of Basketball".



Throwing - Flick Mechanics and Flick Hucks

Prehab and PT Exercises
Foam Rolling
4 Way Hip
Hip Flexor Stretch
Adductor Stretch
Piriformis Stretch
Adductor Stretch with Strap
Miniband Side Shuffles
Hip Abduction with Band
Hip Abduction
Hip Adduction


I read more of "The Book of Basketball".


I went to a Bulls game, it was great.  The Bulls got crushed though.



Throwing - Backhand Mechanics and Pulling

Field Strong
Warm Up:
Foam Rolling
4-Way Hip Stretch
10 Reverse Shrugs on Dip Bars
Lateral Banded Shoulder Raises
Banded Vertical Lunge Stretch
Press 3x5: 45x5, 65x3, 85x3, 95x3, 97.5 x 3 x 5
Slight Incline DB Bench 3x12 (50ea)

10 ea - 1 arm DB row (75)
20 chest elevated push ups on bar
Cool Down


I listened to more of "A spy among friends", and read more of "the book of basketball".