Tuesday, December 13, 2016



Throwing - Offhands, Overheads, Blades, Catching

Champe Challenge
20 push ups
40 sit ups

Field Strong Day 4:
Warm up:
Foam Rolling
4-Way Hip
Hip Lifts
Supine Kicks
Lateral Lunges
3 Strict Pull Ups
A Skips
B Skips
C Skips
Pillar to Plank Press Up
Power Clean 4x3
Clean Warm Up
(HPC) Warm Up: 45 x 3, 89 x 3, 111 x 3, 135 x 3
(HPC) Work: 145 x 4 x 3

Back Squat 3x5 - Goal: good speed, linear progression
Warm Up: 45 x 5, 135 x 5, 185 x 5, 225 x 3, 255 x 2
Work: 235 x 3 x 5

10 KB Supported Deadbugs Hands
10 KB supported Deadbugs Feet
10 Seated Med Ball Throws
RFESS: 3 x 10ea (25 kb) - explosive
Mini-band Athletic Position Shuffles - 2 x 10 steps each direction

Cool Down:  Foam Roll and Hip Stretch


I did not read


"Vision without action is a dream.  Action without vision is a nightmare."

I need to figure out how to get more defensive skills work into my day-to-day.

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