Thursday, December 8, 2016



Field Strong - Day 1
Warm Up:
Foam Rolling
Jump Rope - 15 Minutes (variety of movements, 2 legs, 1 leg, alternating, 2x1, 1x2, 2x2, etc)
Banded Vertical Lunge Stretch
Child's Pose Progression 1
Vertical Column Side Stretch
Active Hamstring Stretch w/ Banded Assist
Child's Pose Moose Antler
Banded Support Full Squat
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes:
- Alternating contralateral deadbugs (1 minute)
- Sandbag turkish get ups (~50 lbs)
- Ab wheel (10)
Cool Down

20 minutes of Foam Rolling

Champe Challenge:
20 Push Ups
40 Sit Ups


Today I listened to "1066, the year that changed everything".  It was a series from "The Great Courses" about the events leading up to and following William the Conqueror's take over of England.  It was a dizzying cultural and political discussion of that time period, but it was short and a good change of pace.


- I listened to this at 2x speed as well.  When I started listening, it sounded like a hyperactive child who had inhaled helium was excitedly teaching me history.  By the end of the lectures it felt normal.  At this speed, each lecture (there were 6) took about 13 minutes.  So that was nice.

- I am extremely bad and jumping rope.

- Sandbag turkish get ups were difficult at that weight.

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