Friday, December 9, 2016



Field Strong Day 2:
Warm Up:
Foam Rolling
Hip Raises
Banded Psoas Activation
Hollow Rocks
Banded Reverse Hypers
Empty Bar Front Squat
Deadlift: do 5-7 warm up sets of 5 with moderate weight, make small jumps.  Hit a final set of 5 to start a linear progression, should have plenty of reps in the tank at that weight.
Work up sets: 135, 155, 175, 195, 215, 235, 255
Final set: 275

Teapot walking lunges (20 lb kb, 20 yards, 4 sets each side)
Strict Pull ups (4 sets, 7,5,5,5)
6 rounds as fast as possible:
30 yds: Sandbag Slide Sprints (this is a prowler/sled alternative)
10ea: Dynamic Step ups
Cool down

Champe Challenge:
20 push ups
40 sit ups

15 minutes of foam rolling, voodoo bands


I started listening to "Mr. Prenumbra's 24 hour bookstore".  This is the first time I have listened to a fiction audiobook.  Good stuff.

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