Friday, December 30, 2016



Throwing - Offhands, Overheads, Catching

Field Strong
Warm Up:
Foam Rolling
4-way hip stretch
Hip Lifts
Banded Psoas Activation
Superman Holds - 20 sec
Goblet Squat Hold - 10 sec
Ring Pull Ups - 5
Banded Full GHR - 5
Goblet Squat Hold - 10 sec
Deadlift 1x5
Warm Up: 135x5, 185x3, 245x5, 255x5, 265x5, 275x5, 285x5
Work: 295x5

Back Squat 3x5
Warm Up: 45x5, 95x3, 135x3, 185x3, 235x2
Work: 245x3x5

Prowler Push:
40 yds (150 lbs)
Cool down: Stretching


I read more of "The Book of Basketball".  Bill Simmons talks about Bill Russell and Wilt, and about The Secret.


I listened to this:

It was totally nuts.  This shines a light on how immigration (racism) became such a large issue in this election cycle, and how misinformation and xenophobia are being spread.

Thursday, December 29, 2016



Champe Challenge:
1 min plank
40 shoulder touches

Correctives & Prehab
100 Squats
Eccentric Stability Pistols
Hip Flexor Stretch
Adductor Stretch
Supine Piriformis Stretch
Adductor Stretch with Strap
Miniband Side Shuffles


I started reading "The Book of Basketball" by Bill Simmons.  How have I not read this book yet?



Champe Challenge:
1 min plank
40 shoulder touches

Conditioning & Throwing:
- Offhands and Flick Hucks
- 6 x 150 @ 1:1.5

Field Strong day ? (I'm going to stop counting the days)
Warm Up:
10 Empty Bar Strict Press
5 Strict Pull Ups
Sprinting Arm Action Circuit
Seated Arm Swings
10 Supine Ring Pull Ups
Kneeling Arm Swings
10 Supine Ring Pull Ups
Staggered Stance Arm Swings
10 Supine Ring Pull Ups

Bench Press 3x5:
45x5, 95x3, 135x3x5

Conditioning - 10 minute as many rounds as possible of:
Dumbell Walking Lunges (45 lbs ea, 20 yds)
Sandbag Dynamic Push Ups - 20
Cool Down


No reading.


I watched "Minimalism" on Netflix.  It was great, strong recommend.



No workout - sick


I did not read today.


- I am starting to feel better. 4 stars would recommend

- I watched an episode of "Making a Murderer".  It was good, not sure how they are going to get 9 more episodes of content here though.



No workout - sick


I read "The Circle" by Dave Eggers.  This book was kind of weird.  It's a powerful commentary on privacy and information, but it's kind of packaged into a mediocre young adult novel.  It's a little like a mashup of "1984" and "The Hunger Games".  Apparently a movie is being made of it, I predict that the movie will suck.


Being sick is lame. 0 stars would not recommend



No workout - sick


I did not have the mo to read today.  As Champe correctly pointed out, being sick does not actually prevent me from reading.


Today I was sick, so I took a lot of naps.  I hung out with family and helped out in the kitchen.

Friday, December 23, 2016

12/21 - 12/23/2016

These days I was sick with a cold.  I did not work out or read.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016



Field Strong Day 10
Warm Up: Foam Rolling, Hip Stretching
Spiderman Crawls w/ Elbow drop
10 Plyo Push Ups
10 Empty Bar Strict Press
Bench Press 3x5: 45 x 5, 95 x 3, 135 x 3, 140 x 3 x 5

Depth Plyo Push Ups 5x3

Push Press (95) 4 x 20
Cool Down

Champe Challenge:
1 min plank
40 Shoulder Touches

Only got 2, need 10.


I started "A Spy Among Friends" by Ben Macintyre on Audiobook.  It's mostly about Soviet/British espionage in WWII.  It's pretty entertaining so far.



Tuesday, December 20, 2016



Field Strong Day 9
Warm Up:
Foam Rolling
Hip Stretches
10 Pillar to Plank Press Up
5 ea 1 leg Glute Bridges
10 Empty Bar Front Squat
Clean Warm Up (45)
Power Clean 4x4
Warm Up: 95 x 3, 135 x 3
Work: 155 x 4 x 4

Static Hold GHR 4x4

Front Squat 4 x 8
Warm Up: 45 x 5, 95 x 3, 135 x 3
Work: 135 x 8, 145 x 8, 155 x 8, 165 x 8

Shin Hop to Broad Jump: 4x4
30 sec ea Side Plank
Band Resisted Deadbugs
Cool Down


No Reading.


A new Champe challenge this week!
Throughout the day:
10 min of Planks
400 Shoulder Touches



Active Recovery: Indoor Rock Climbing


No reading.


The college football bowl series is terrible.  There are 41(?!) bowl games this year.  The bowl game is officially the participation trophy of college football.

I would go so far as to say that the if the "college bowl series" ceased to exist next year, I would not notice or care.



No Workout - Rest Day


No reading.


- The Flash is a mediocre tv show.  There are flashes (ha!) of depth in the characters, but ultimately the show falls victim to what almost every superhero show faces, repetitiveness and oversimplification.  For example, the flash breaks up with his girlfriend because she moves to the adjacent city, despite supposed ability to run at 2k mph.  This makes no sense.  Why wouldn't he just run to see her?

- Comcast installed a new router today, my internet at home is now at least 10x faster, according to speedtest.  There was no hyperbole used in the making of this sentence.

- Last year we were still working out outside in December, this year the snow and ice make the footing much worse.

- I want to see "Rogue One".  I'm not really upset that Disney is re-writing Star Wars history, because it means the world gets a bunch more great quality movies.  But, they run the risk of turning the franchise into a train wreck (like x-men) if things get out of hand.  Curious to see how this will go over the next ~5 years.



Field Strong Day 9
Warm Up:
10 Reverse Shrugs on Dip Bars
10 True Push Ups
1 min ea Lateral banded side shoulder raise
OHP 3x5
45 x 10, 65 x 3, 85 x 3
95 x 3 x 5

DB Bench 4x8 (50)

Supine Ring Pull Ups 3 x 10
Cool Down


I did not read.  Not a good reading week.

Friday, December 16, 2016



Field Strong Day 7
Warm Up:
Foam Rolling
4-Way Hip Stretch
Glute Bridges
Front Leg Raises
Side Leg Raises
3 Strict Pull Ups
10 Parallel Bar Dips
5 Goblet Squat Static Hold (40)
5 Banded Full GHR
Quick Feet Low Box
Deadlift, 1x5, Add 10 lbs to last time, work up with 4-5 sets
Warm Up: 135x5, 205x5, 225x5, 245x5, 265x5
Work: 285 x 5

Back Squat, 3x5, add 5 lbs to last time
Warm Up: 45 x 8, 135 x 3, 185 x 3, 225 x 3
Work: 240 x 3 x 5

As many sets as possible in 12 minutes:
10 Banded Reverse Hypers
10 Ball Slams
Cool Down: Stretching, Foam Rolling, Ecc hamstring


I did not read.

Thursday, December 15, 2016



Throwing - Wide Release Flick Mechanics

Field Strong Day 6
15 Min of Jump Rope (normal, alternating, 1 leg, 2x1, 2x2, side to side, front to back)
IT band slow twisting kick (3ea leg)
Banded Vertical Lunge Stretch
Active Hamstring Stretch W/Banded Assist
Dancer Stretch
Banded Support Full Squat

5 Shin Hops
5ea Get Up Sit Up (35 kb)
50 yds Power Walks w/ Sled (3 plates)
Cool Down: Foam rolling, Stretching


I did not read.


- I am a little better at Jump Rope
- Threw outside today.  I did not bring gloves, so the wind and snow made my hands pretty cold.  Bringing gloves tomorrow to fix this issue.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016



Field Strong - Day 5
Warm Up:
Foam Rolling
Stretching Hip Flexor
Adductor Stretch
Piriformis Stretch
Adductor Stretch with Band
Miniband Side Shuffles
Miniband Hip Abduction
1 leg glute bridges
10 Empty Bar Strict Press
5ea 5-way upper med-ball plyo circuit
5ea Spiderman Crawls w/ elbow drop
Bench Press 3x5, move the bar fast:
Warm Up: 45 x 5, 95 x 3
Work: 135 x 3 x 5

Slide Board Push Ups - 50

30 seconds on max effort
2 minutes rest

Banded tricep extension
Barbell reverse curl
Cool Down, foam rolling, stretching, voodoo band


I did not read.


- running 150s is harder than rowing for 30 seconds

- slide board push ups are very difficult

Current idea to get more defensive footwork reps is basketball.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016



Throwing - Offhands, Overheads, Blades, Catching

Champe Challenge
20 push ups
40 sit ups

Field Strong Day 4:
Warm up:
Foam Rolling
4-Way Hip
Hip Lifts
Supine Kicks
Lateral Lunges
3 Strict Pull Ups
A Skips
B Skips
C Skips
Pillar to Plank Press Up
Power Clean 4x3
Clean Warm Up
(HPC) Warm Up: 45 x 3, 89 x 3, 111 x 3, 135 x 3
(HPC) Work: 145 x 4 x 3

Back Squat 3x5 - Goal: good speed, linear progression
Warm Up: 45 x 5, 135 x 5, 185 x 5, 225 x 3, 255 x 2
Work: 235 x 3 x 5

10 KB Supported Deadbugs Hands
10 KB supported Deadbugs Feet
10 Seated Med Ball Throws
RFESS: 3 x 10ea (25 kb) - explosive
Mini-band Athletic Position Shuffles - 2 x 10 steps each direction

Cool Down:  Foam Roll and Hip Stretch


I did not read


"Vision without action is a dream.  Action without vision is a nightmare."

I need to figure out how to get more defensive skills work into my day-to-day.



Champe Challenge:
20 push ups
40 sit ups

Indoor Ultimate - 2.5 hrs
Pre Indoor 150s: 3 @ 1:2


No Reading


This was day 2 of the coaching clinic with Matty Tsang.

Matty discussed a very wide range of topics during this clinic.  Some of the concepts were about philosophy, some were ideas that are immediately actionable, and a lot of the rest fell somewhere in between.  He also shared a lot of anecdotes about Fury, the National teams he has coached, and how he works with his middle school team.  It was an extremely worthwhile experience, my only regret is that it will probably be a decade before another coaching clinic of this caliber comes to the midwest.

Matty mentioned a lot of coaching resources and books during the clinic, in addition to two blogs that he liked.  One is from Dusty Rhodes, who chronicles his entire year after a regionals where Pike misses nationals.  The second blog features a variety of players, mostly from the Atlanta area and their thoughts on ultimate.



No Workout - Rest Day


 No reading


I spent most of today at a usau coaching clinic.  Matty Tsang was the instructor.  If you don't know who that is, you have some research to do.

In a revelation that should surprise no one, Matty is an excellent coach and teacher.



Field Strong Day 3:
Warm Up:
Foam Rolling
4-Way Hip
3 x:
10 Reverse Shrugs on dip bars
10 Parallel Bar Dips
10 ea Lateral Banded Side Shoulder Raise

Strict Press 3x5 (85)
Single Arm DB Bench 3x15 (40)
20 Kneeling close clapping push ups
20 Kneeling wide clapping push ups
20 Russian KB swings (60)

Cool Down
Foam Rolling and Hip Stretching


I finished "Mr. Penumbra's 24 hour book store".  It was great!  Very enjoyable.  I listened to the whole thing at 2x speed.  I had some discussions around whether listening to something at 2x speed "cheapens" the experience.  My current opinion is that the ability of my brain to understand the contents of a book is usually limited by the speed at which I can read it.  If I can listen to it faster, that doesn't necessarily imply that I am losing anything by doing so.

Friday, December 9, 2016



Field Strong Day 2:
Warm Up:
Foam Rolling
Hip Raises
Banded Psoas Activation
Hollow Rocks
Banded Reverse Hypers
Empty Bar Front Squat
Deadlift: do 5-7 warm up sets of 5 with moderate weight, make small jumps.  Hit a final set of 5 to start a linear progression, should have plenty of reps in the tank at that weight.
Work up sets: 135, 155, 175, 195, 215, 235, 255
Final set: 275

Teapot walking lunges (20 lb kb, 20 yards, 4 sets each side)
Strict Pull ups (4 sets, 7,5,5,5)
6 rounds as fast as possible:
30 yds: Sandbag Slide Sprints (this is a prowler/sled alternative)
10ea: Dynamic Step ups
Cool down

Champe Challenge:
20 push ups
40 sit ups

15 minutes of foam rolling, voodoo bands


I started listening to "Mr. Prenumbra's 24 hour bookstore".  This is the first time I have listened to a fiction audiobook.  Good stuff.

Thursday, December 8, 2016



Field Strong - Day 1
Warm Up:
Foam Rolling
Jump Rope - 15 Minutes (variety of movements, 2 legs, 1 leg, alternating, 2x1, 1x2, 2x2, etc)
Banded Vertical Lunge Stretch
Child's Pose Progression 1
Vertical Column Side Stretch
Active Hamstring Stretch w/ Banded Assist
Child's Pose Moose Antler
Banded Support Full Squat
As many rounds as possible in 20 minutes:
- Alternating contralateral deadbugs (1 minute)
- Sandbag turkish get ups (~50 lbs)
- Ab wheel (10)
Cool Down

20 minutes of Foam Rolling

Champe Challenge:
20 Push Ups
40 Sit Ups


Today I listened to "1066, the year that changed everything".  It was a series from "The Great Courses" about the events leading up to and following William the Conqueror's take over of England.  It was a dizzying cultural and political discussion of that time period, but it was short and a good change of pace.


- I listened to this at 2x speed as well.  When I started listening, it sounded like a hyperactive child who had inhaled helium was excitedly teaching me history.  By the end of the lectures it felt normal.  At this speed, each lecture (there were 6) took about 13 minutes.  So that was nice.

- I am extremely bad and jumping rope.

- Sandbag turkish get ups were difficult at that weight.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016



Champe Challenge:
20 push ups
40 sit ups

Prehab Exercises:
Golf Ball: Feet, ankles, calves
Foam Roll
Hip Flexor Stretch
Adductor with Trunk Rotation
Supine Piriformis Stretch
Adductor Stretch with Strap
Ball - Hip flexion and extension
Miniband - Side Shuffles
Miniband - Side Lying Clamshells
Side Lying Hip Abduction - Weighted
Banded Hip Adduction
Side Lying Hip Adduction - Weighted
Ball - Split Squat
Ball - Eccentric Hamstring Curl

Additional Core Stuff:
Pillar to Plank Press up
Pillar Hold alternate hand reach

I am feeling good, ready to get back in the gym tomorrow.


I finished "John Wooden's Pyramid of Success".


Favorite Coach Power Rankings:

1.  Phil Jackson
2.  Gregg Popovich
3.  John Wooden
4.  Matty Tsang

Side note: I have a book by Coach K on my to-read list, so he may end up rounding out the top 5.

Side note 2: It is very possible that a lot of truly transcendent coaches have never written a book or just aren't noticed by the sports media machine.  So my exposure to the insights of these skilled coaches is extremely limited, basically just to those who have decided to publish books or those who have had articles written about them.  I have a strong suspicion there is a lot of unrecognized coaching greatness out there that we will never hear about.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016



Throwing - Offhands, Overheads, Blades

Champe Challenge - 100 push ups, 200 sit ups, 50ea split squats

Core Workout - Isometric Core, Deadbugs


I did not read.


This is a deload week.  Weight training will resume at the end of this week.  In the mean time I will be doing a lot of bodyweight movements, maintenance, and prehab.

Monday, December 5, 2016



3v3 with NUT coaches and Walden


I did not read.


It snowed today during 3v3.  It was a great time, pretty cold and wet by the end.
My goal today was to bring the heat on defense, practice playing with my hips lower so I can change direction more quickly, and try to make plays on discs in my layout range.  I especially wanted to work on setting up well, using my body, and making plays on in-cuts.  I think I did a pretty good job applying pressure and I pulled the trigger a few times when I thought I had a look.  I got close but wasn't able to get blocks from them.  I was happy with the level of intensity I brought, but I think I need to continue to ramp it up in those areas.

Results-wise, my team got smashed at 3v3.  I turned in a pretty poor offensive performance.  I would definitely like the opportunity at a rematch a little later in the off-season, I think it was within our power to win and I think given another chance we have a good shot.

To beat Walden's team at 3v3, you have to contain him.  The strength he brings to his team is that they get a guy who is always hustling, is an extremely reliable reset, a great defender, and takes the right angles on everything.  When I say contain him, I specifically mean you have to play tight enough on him so that his teammates make throwing errors trying to get it to him.  If you give Walden the free reset, he will take it all day, break the mark, and play mistake-free as he wrecks you.  So, come ready to battle (best plan is probably to rotate matchups on him), and maximize mismatches on other players.



With Champe:
5 sets of:
20 Push ups
40 Crunches
10 Split Squats (each side)
- I am going to dub this the "Champe Challenge"

15 Minutes of hallway throwing with Champe


No Reading


On parting with old jerseys:
Today I gave away a lot of my old jerseys that I don't wear often.  Some of those jerseys represent seasons of hard work, success, struggle, injury, disappointment, fulfillment, etc.  A few of those jerseys had (and still have) a lot of meaning for me.  But at the end of the day, I have accumulated a ridiculous number of jerseys and I am very happy to donate a few to a greater cause.

Other Jersey Notes:
- As a piece of advice for younger players, you definitely don't need to buy tournament jerseys in most cases.  You will attend more than 10 tournaments in a single year of college+club, and buying a jersey at every one becomes ridiculous very quickly.  One exception to this might be your first college or club nationals tournament, worlds, or some other tournament of that nature.

- KB's theory is that college sophomores are the guys who are most in need of jerseys.  They've been playing for a year or so and are all in, but they have not yet accumulated enough jerseys for practices and so on.  So the best bang-for-your-buck donation is to distribute extras to sophomores.  Invested rookies are a close second.

- Some simple jersey math:  On most college and club teams your jersey kit will include a minimum of 1 white, 1 dark, 1 pair of shorts, and 1 long sleeve or reversible jersey.  This does not include any multiples you might buy.  So if you play a college season and a club season in one year, you are getting 2 of each at a minimum, per year.  Throw in a random fun team jersey per year for good measure.  Maybe you trade a few here or there, but that generally will be a wash in terms of quantity.

So after a 4 year college and club career, you will have accumulated a minimum of 8 white jerseys, 8 dark jerseys, 8 pairs of shorts, 4 fun tournament jerseys, and 8 long sleeves and/or reversibles.  This is a rather large drawer-full of gear.  So, don't buy that random fall tournament jersey, you'll have plenty of jerseys soon.



No Workout


No Reading


The 4v4 tournament playoffs and finals are tomorrow!

Friday, December 2, 2016



Warm Up
Flick Hucks (2-leg no step)
Low Backhand (wonder under, working on shape)
Backhand Pull (adding power)


I listened to "Coach Wooden's Pyramid of Success" by John Wooden and Jay Carty.  I pulled this off of C's audible library and it was much more religious than I expected.  Since I wasn't expecting it, it was a little disconcerting at first.  But I really liked how John Wooden's coaching philosophy is completely and utterly consistent with his set of beliefs and values.  For instance, John Wooden believes in a certain definition of what it means to be successful (broadly) and what it means to be a good individual, and everything he teaches is based on those beliefs.  Everything he says and does reflects and reinforces this strong ethos.  Everything in his philosophy is close-knit and clear.

I think this is one of the things I respect the most about John Wooden.  The unwavering character and cohesiveness to his teaching (and coaching) style feels powerful and worth aspiring towards.


- I wanted to work out with Champe today after practice, but the fields were closed and we had to cancel.  I would like to set up weekly 3-man marking and footwork sessions with my co-coaches when winter rolls around.  I think it would be a good thing for me to work on keeping my reactions as sharp as possible through these off-season months.

- I listened to this audiobook at 2x speed.  At first it felt extremely fast, but after about 30 minutes I got used to it and it felt pretty normal.  Normal to the point that I was considering trying to go faster by the end of my drive.  I think there is a bit of audio quality lost, but I don't consider that to be a big deal.

Thursday, December 1, 2016



No workout - Rest Day


No Reading


Tomorrow is the final practice before winter break.

"Hit the gym, Northwestern"