Friday, October 21, 2016



Week 6: Day 3
Warm Up: Hip and Glute Activation, Miniband series

Trap Bar Deadlift Pyramid: 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10

Warm Up: 135 x 5, 185 x 3, 235 x 3

10 - 235
8 - 255
6 - 275
4 - 295
2 - 315
1 - 335
2 - 315
4 - 295
6 - 275
8 - 255
10 - 235

Cool Down

Two things about this workout:
1.  About three hours before I did this workout, I was arguing with A about how training using volume deadlifts is generally a bad idea.  My argument was something like, it's fine if your form is flawless and you have a very weak deadlift, but why on earth would you train that way?  Then, when I looked at the programming for today it was the highest volume deadlift workout thus far.  Sweet.  Don't get me wrong, I love deadlifting, but for the record I would not recommend training volume deadlifts too often.

2.  This was a very difficult workout.  I believe Natalie programmed about 20 minutes for the pyramid (61 deadlifts over 20 minutes?! ).  This took me more like 45 minutes from start to finish.  While I was ramping up the first part of the pyramid, I was worried about my ability to finish the climb back down the other side.  By the last set, my hands were torn up, burning, and stinging.  I briefly considered phoning in the last few reps, but I glanced at my wrist and finished strong.  I think that a small reminder at the right time of a bigger purpose can be powerful.


I listened to "The Signal and The Noise".  It's phenomenal so far.  I'm a big fan of 538, so I was not in a lot of danger of not liking this one.

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