Tuesday, October 4, 2016



Throwing: Wrist Mechanics (290 throws)

Week 4: Day 1
Warm Up: Running, squat jumps, squat-to-stand, hollowbody rocks, banded hip external rotation

Back Squat: Work up to 1x10 heavy, then 2x10 at 90%
(45, 95, 115, 135, 155, 175, 195, 185x2)

DB Strict Press 2x10 (35)
DB Push Press 2x10 (50)

AMRAP x 12 min:
- 12 KB swings (American) (45)
- 12 BB Thruster (45)
- 12 Box Jump (24")

Cool down: Couch Stretch, Adductor Stretch



Fun fact: Most NFL contracts aren't guaranteed and are heavily performance-based.

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