Monday, October 3, 2016



No workout.
I am getting antsy, I am dying to move around.


No reading.
I am getting antsy with reading as well.  I probably could have read, but I did not.


I spent most of the day watching the club finals.  The Boston sweep was exciting to witness.  DGP games from both Women's and Men's finals makes this year the exception when it comes to exciting finals games.

Misc thoughts:

- Brute Squad wins!  Lien gets the repeat!  Add this to the long list of titles won by women from Northwestern.

- Brute Squad's Dline was better at offense than their Oline.  Brute rolls out the Dline down 8-10 in a game to 12.  The Oline doesn't retake the field until they're receiving on DGP.  If that isn't a dominant Dline, nothing is.

- The decision from Brute to throw a zone line out at 9-10 was interesting.  It threw Riot out of their rhythm and resulted in a back breaking miscue turn.  But it could have easily gone the other way, as Riot has a wealth of experience at the handler position and could have made quick work of the zone.  So in retrospect it looks right, but I think asking why is important.

- Kami Groom plays her best in the biggest games on the biggest stages.  This feels obvious, but I felt it should be reiterated in light of a 2nd title in 2 years.

- John Stubbs and Mark Vandenberg get 2nd at college nationals, then turn around and win it all in club.

- George Stubbs gets another silver medal, while playing against his old team, and gets scored on to lose.

- I have never seen Joel Schlatchet or Beau Kittredge turf a pass like they did in that game.  They were feeling the pressure.

- Weird stuff happens in the semis and finals.  I think this is because everyone is amped to 11 and dojos are burning.  This combination of extremely high energy and slim margins makes the games erratic and exciting.

- Kurt Gibson is seemingly impervious to pressure.  Is there any question he's the greatest in the modern era?

- Pulls matter a lot.

- The game is tied at 12, game to 14, Revolver receiving.  If this is 2015 Revolver (or 2010-2014), Revolver sends Beau to the endzone and Ashlin/Robbie puts it up.  Goal.  The door slams shut for Ironside.  But this is 2016, and it is obvious Beau isn't playing at the level he once was.  He's not as explosive after his knee injury, and that means Revolver can't just play "big man" in crunch time.  This is not why they lost, but it's a reason Ironside had a shot.

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