Thursday, October 13, 2016



Throwing - wrist mechanics (116)

No Training - Rest day


I listened to more of "Nudges" on my way to and from work.  A nudge is a basically a thing that influences the "doing mind"(automatic system/etc) to do something.  This could be anything, from where an architect places the bathrooms relative to the offices in a building, to which foods come first in a middle school lunch line, to how taxes and mortgages are presented.  Essentially, nudges are everywhere.  This book is mostly interested in how "Decision Architects" can design things in a way that helps people do the things they want to do (i.e. make the best choices), as naturally as possible.  An example of this that is given is having retirement savings plans be "Opt out", as in, employees are automatically signed up to save for retirement, unless they say otherwise.  The theory is that people actually do want to save for retirement, but they do a bad job of "getting to it".

This book is great so far.  The biggest carryover to coaching that I see is that language and actions matter.  My thought here is that language and actions have influence, whether you are aware of that influence or not.  Once people are aware of this, I think it is much easier to channel these nudges into making the best team (and team culture) possible.


At the recommendation from KB, I am listening to this book at 1.5x speed.  It makes the audiobook sound like an extremely articulate and well-spoken child who has just had their first energy drink.   It is pretty weird adjusting to the pace, but I think I am getting used to it.  I'm not sure I would want to listen at this pace for every book.

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