Wednesday, November 30, 2016



Disc Golf (0.5 hrs)

Foam Rolling, Activation, and Prehab (1 hr)


I finished "The Great Courses: Behavioral Economics" today.  In the last lecture they discuss "nudges", various kinds of policy changes that can alter behavior, and a few other misc. topics.

Overall, the idea of "the great courses" is cool.  The thought that you can learn about any number of topics from great teachers is an attractive one.  However, I felt that the verbal methods the lecturer use make it much harder to listen to as compared to a "true" audiobook.  I thought that it was worth listening to this, but I also felt like the lecturer would get very dry at times or over-explain basic concepts.


Mental note - After daylight savings, it gets dark outside very quickly after a normal work day.  This makes working out outside after work more difficult.

Mental note 2 - Once the ground freezes in late December, working out outside is no longer on the table, since cleats don't work properly.  This is the absolute latest that footwork and skills work need to move indoors.

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