Tuesday, November 15, 2016



Week 2: Day 1
Warm Up:
4-way Hip
Hip Lifts
Supine Band Psoas Activation
Kneeling T-Spine
Front Plank
Side Plank
Ankle Mobility
Squat to Stand
PVC Hip Hinge
Eccentric Push up
MB slams
High Object Touch 4x10
Rhythmic Lunge Jump 4x10ea
Depth Jump 4x5
Barbell Jump Squat 4x10 (45)
Romanian Deadlift 4x5 at 75%:
Warm Up: (135 x 5, 185 x 3)
Work: (225 x 4 x 5)
Back Squat 4x5 at 75%:
Warm Up: (135 x 6, 185 x 3)
Work: (225 x 4 x 5)
Cool Down:
Hip Stretches
Foam Rolling

Throwing: Disc Golf


I listened to more of "The Great Courses: Behavioral Economics".  The lecturer talks more about risk, risk aversion, and information uncertainty.


Walden works out 30 hours a week.

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