Monday, November 28, 2016



Indoor Ultimate (2.5)
- 2 x 150s beforehand

Foam rolling and prehab (0.5)


I did not read.


Mon: 3.25
Tue: 4.25
Wed: 2.25
Thu: 1.5
Fri: 2
Sat: 0
Sun: 2.5

Total: 15.75 hrs

This week I fell very far short of my target of hitting 30 hours.  In order to get to 30 hours, I need to be working out 4.3 hours per day.  The only time I came close to this was on Tuesday.  I will try this again over winter break and see how far I can get.  A few notes that require consideration when trying to work out this much:

- recovery is obviously critical
- diet gets more important for providing you energy and recovery
- sleeping enough also gets more important for the same reasons
- scheduling workouts so that intensity is varied enough to allow for recovery also matters a lot more
- I think day 3 is the most difficult day

When I was writing my schedule, I was also struck by how easy it was for me to omit or gloss over certain types of training.  More specifically, it was easy for me to fill the schedule with the kind of training I like to do and am very familiar with (i.e. throwing, weight training).  But it's very likely that my "optimal training" and the training I like to do may not be completely in-line.  So, I think my challenge is to adopt the more optimal path, whether or not I love every second of it.

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