Thursday, March 30, 2017



Throwing - Backhand Quick Releases

Foam Rolling
4-Way Hip Stretch
Cook Hip Lift
LAX Pin and Stretch
Supine Band Psoas Activation
Valslide Psoas Activation
Side Plank
Miniband in-outs
Monster Walks
Sumo Holds
Back Squat 5x2
Warm Up: 45x5, 115x5, 155x5, 205x5, 245x3, 280x1
Work: 290x5x2
Squat Jump and Stick
Ankle and Glute Stretch

Deadlift 4x2
Warm Up: 135x5, 225x5, 315x1
Work: 355x2, 335x2x2, 315x2
Broad Jump
Front Plank
Cool Down


No reading.


I'm looking to deload my deadlift after today & build up a bit more volume in my DL warmup sets.  I felt my hips shift too much on these early reps and I want to clean that up and make sure I'm lifting in a way that gives me an athletic benefit.

On the plus side, doubles at 290 felt great!

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