Tuesday, March 14, 2017



Throwing - Catching
Wind: 6 mph, Temp: 32 F

Field Strong
Ankle Mobility and Prehab with Superband
Foam Rolling
4-Way Hip Stretch
Miniband psoas activation
Front Plank
Glute Bridges
Donkey Kicks
Jump Rope Workout (20 min)
1-leg hop and sticks
1-leg hop pops
1-leg slalom hops
low hips hip shift
lateral shuffles
upright crossover drill
Walking lunge elbow to instep

Back Squat 3x5
Warm Up: 45x5, 95x5, 110x5, 140x5, 190x5, 230x5, 270x2
Work: 280x4, 280x3, 280x2
Back Off: 225x2x5

Warm Up: BW, 35x5 ea, 60x5 ea
Work: 3x5x80 db per hand
Cool Down


I read more of "The Art of Learning".  The author talks about how to create your own ideal mental state for competition.  Fascinating stuff.


Didn't get 280x3x5 today, I will attempt this again on Thursday.  RLESS progress is going well though.

I listened to an Outside Online podcast today called the "Everest Effect".  It was okay.  I enjoyed the content and the stories, but didn't like how the host got preachy at the end.  I find it can rub me the wrong way pretty easily when hosts conclude shows by making sloppy connections to anecdotally observed societal traits.  I think there is a time and place for wrapping up a story with a moral, it doesn't need to be shoved down our throats after every 30 min podcast.

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