Friday, March 10, 2017



Field Strong
Warm Up
Foam Rolling
4-Way Hip Stretch
Miniband Psoas Activation
Side Planks
Glute Bridges
Donkey Kicks
Ankle Mobility
Toe Touch Squats
Miniband Walks, Front/Side
Back Squat 3x5
Warm Up: 45x8, 95x5, 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 265x2
Work: 275x3x5

Bench Press: 45x10, 95x5, 135x5, 45x20

Warm Up: Bw x 5ea, 35x5 ea
Work: 3x5x75 db per hand

15 yd 1-arm side loaded KB walking lunges
20 Med Ball to Toes
Cool Down

Hip Prehab and Stretching - 10 minutes


I did not read today.


- Back in the summer I tested my 1rm back squat and hit 275 for 1, failing at 295.  So it felt good to go 3x5 at that weight.
- My right shoulder wasn't feeling strong in the bench press movement today, possibly due to a lot of throwing hard yesterday.  I'm considering moving over to 1-arm dumbbell bench for this movement since I have a pretty significant R/L shoulder mobility imbalance.

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