Wednesday, March 1, 2017



Throwing - Offhands, Overheads, Blades
Wind: 6 mph, Temp: 55 F

Jump Rope and Footwork
Ankle Mobility & Prehab with Band
Jump Rope Workout
1 leg hop progression
1 leg slalom hops progression
Low Stance Hip Shifts
Low D Stance Lateral Shuffling

Field Strong
Seated Arm Action Sprinting Drill
Scap Push Ups
Kneeling Arm Action Sprinting Drill
Standing Arm Action Sprinting Drill
Sprinting Wall Drill (2 steps)
Static Deadbugs
Sprinting Wall Drill (4 steps)
4-Way Deadbugs
Deadlift 1x5
Warm Up: 135x5, 185x3, 225x3, 275x3, 315x1
Work: 325x1x5

10 Sandbag Power Cleans (~50 lbs)
20 KB Step ups (2x 24 kg kbs)
100 yd Sandbag Jog
Cool Down

Hip Stretching and Prehab - 15 minutes


I read some more of "The Art of Learning".


41.4% completion of throwing goal

20.0% completion of footwork goal

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