Thursday, March 30, 2017



Throwing - Backhand Quick Releases

Foam Rolling
4-Way Hip Stretch
Cook Hip Lift
LAX Pin and Stretch
Supine Band Psoas Activation
Valslide Psoas Activation
Side Plank
Miniband in-outs
Monster Walks
Sumo Holds
Back Squat 5x2
Warm Up: 45x5, 115x5, 155x5, 205x5, 245x3, 280x1
Work: 290x5x2
Squat Jump and Stick
Ankle and Glute Stretch

Deadlift 4x2
Warm Up: 135x5, 225x5, 315x1
Work: 355x2, 335x2x2, 315x2
Broad Jump
Front Plank
Cool Down


No reading.


I'm looking to deload my deadlift after today & build up a bit more volume in my DL warmup sets.  I felt my hips shift too much on these early reps and I want to clean that up and make sure I'm lifting in a way that gives me an athletic benefit.

On the plus side, doubles at 290 felt great!



Throwing - 1-Leg Unit Pace Throws

Footwork and games
Dynamic Warm Up
Shuffling Drills
Low D Shuffling Progression
4v4 Games

No reading.


Spring NUT Season!



Throwing - Disc Golf

Foam Rolling
4-Way Hip Stretch
Hip Lifts
Miniband Psoas Activation
Kneeling T-spine
Front Plank
Side Plank
Toe Touch Squats
Miniband Leans
Ecc Pushup
MB Slams
3x3 ECC Back Squat
Warm Up: 45x8, 95x5, 155x5, 205x5, 245x5
Work: 255x3x3
Vertical Jump Stick
TK palloff hold

3x4 Ecc DB SLDL (35 per hand)
Ecc 1-arm DB Bench Press (35)
TK push/pull

Ecc Heel Drops
Ecc Chin Up
Cool Down


No Reading.



1.5 hours 3v3 with Evanston Crew

1.5 hours Indoor Pickup



No reading.


I'm starting to see where I can apply crossovers and jabs better in-game.  I'm playing around a lot with set up position as the reset defender, it's been interesting so far.



Throwing - 1 Leg Inverts
Wind: none, Temp: 40 F, heavy rain

Ankle Mobility
Jump Rope Circuit

Rowing Machine Intervals: 6x250 with 2 min rest


No reading.



Throwing - Blades, Offhands, Overheads
Wind: 11 mph, Temp: 72 F

Foam Rolling
4-Way Hip Stretch
Hip Lifts
Supine Band Psoas Activation
Kneeling T-Spine
Front Plank
Side Plank
Internal Rotation
Hip Adduction
MB Slams
4x5 ECC RLESS (70 lb db per hand)
Staggered Starts
Ab Wheel

4x6 Valslide ECC leg curl
Ecc pushup
1 arm KB swing

Ecc pistol squat
Ecc Chin Up
Turkish Get Up
Cool Down

Hip and Core Correctives - 15 min


No reading.


This workout was very difficult.  I am pretty sure I have done this workout in the past and I remember it being fairly easy.  The biggest difference between them was the weight at which I was doing RLESS, I think.



Throwing - Backhand Arounds
Wind: 5 mph, Temp: 41 F

Dynamic warm up
Sprinting Form Drills
40 yard strides
Low Hips D crossovers
2 x Goose Cones
Cool Down


I did not read.  Still off the reading wagon.

Thursday, March 23, 2017



Throwing - Wide Release Flicks
Wind: 9 mph, Temp: 33 F

Foam Rolling
4-Way Hip Stretch
Cook Hip Lifts
LAX Pin Glutes
Miniband Psoas Activation
Valslide Psoas Activation
Side Plank
Miniband In/Outs
Retro Walks
Miniband Sumo Holds
Farmers Walks (64 kg)
Back Squat 5x2:
Warm Up: 45x8, 95x5, 155x5, 205x5, 245x5
Work: 285x5x2
Squat Drop Jump
Ankle/Glute Stretch

Deadlift 4x2:
Warm Up: 45x10, 135x5, 225x5, 275x3, 315x1
Work: 350x4x2
Broad Jump

1-Arm db Bench Press 3x5 (50)
Dead Stop db Row (90)
Cool Down


I did not read.


I need to get back on the reading wagon.  Also, I listened to the Outside Podcast again today, it was good.



No Workout - Rest Day


I did not read.


I listened to a fair chunk of the Neil Gorsuch hearings.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017



Throwing - Disc Golf

Foam Rolling
4-Way Hip Stretch
Glute Raises
Miniband Psoas Activation
Kneeling T-Spine Rotation
Front Plank
Side Plank
Ankle Mobility
Toe Touch Squats
Ecc Push Ups
Miniband Leans
MB Slams
3x3 Ecc Back Squat (250)
3x3 Vertical Jump Stick
TK Pallof Hold

3x4 ea Ecc DB SLDL (35 per hand)
3x3 Ecc 1-arm DB press (35 db)
TK Push/Pull

Ecc Heel Drops
Ecc Chin Up
1/2 Knee Lifts
Cool Down


I did not read.



No Workout


No Reading


Today was day 2 in IN with NUT.

Dear NUT,

Respect your opponents, respect the field.




No workout


No Reading


Today was day 1 in IN with NUT.



Stretching & Mobility - 30 min


I did not read.


Today I traveled to IN with NUT.

Thursday, March 16, 2017



Field Strong
Foam Rolling
4-Way Hip Stretch
1-leg Glute Bridge
Hip Openers
Miniband Psoas Activation
Front Plank
Miniband Squats
KB Sumo Squat Holds
Back Squat 3x5
Warm Up: 45x5, 95x5, 135x5, 185x5, 225x3, 265x2
Work: 280x3x5

Warm Up: BWx5, 30x5, 60x5
Work: 85sx3, 60sx5, 60sx5

Didn't hit 3x5 at 85s today.

Bench Press: 45x30
Cool Down


I read more of "Alone on the Wall".


1 - Northwestern over Vanderbilt!  What a game.

2 - It feels good to match my lifetime 5-rep PRs in both squat and deadlift pre-surgery:

Back Squat x 5: 280 (01/17/2013 -> 03/16/2017)
Deadlift x 5: 345 (01/23/2013 -> 03/14/2017)

I weigh 5-10 less then I did back then.  However, my RLESS is considerably lower than it was back then, plenty of work to do there.

Lifetime best RLESS: 205x5ea (front rack barbell) (04/11/2013)
Current Best: 160x5ea (Side loaded DB)

3 - My thoughts on testing 1 RMs versus using an equation to estimate a 1 RM for programming has shifted a bit.  I used to think that there was no point in calculating a 1 RM, because if you couldn't lift it, it wasn't a 1 RM.  I also would hear people say often that testing 1 RMs too often can cause injury.  Back then I would laugh that off, dismissing it by saying that it's hard to get injured while squatting if your technique is good.  Because of this I used to train by doing a rep or two at 95%-100% during my warm up before work sets.  Now I don't train this way, and I think training that way isn't a great way to train, especially not for an extended period of time.  I think this is because it's east for that max intensity rep to get sloppy over time, then you end up grooving that sloppy movement pattern with your work sets, potentially adding flaws to your form over time.  It may not hurt you in 4 weeks, and it may not hurt you in 10 weeks, but after a while the flaws in your form can translate into all sorts of different kinds of wear & tear injuries.  So I think this is what generally is meant by "doing 1 RMs too often can lead to injury".  As such, I think it's totally fine to use an equation to estimate your 1 RM for the purpose of selecting training weights.  This is what I will be doing when I shift programs starting next week.



Throwing - Pulls, Wide Flicks

Pivoting Footwork
Wide Flick Steps
Flick Fake Step to Backhand
Backhand Fake Step to Flick
Cool Down


I read more of "Alone on the Wall".

Wednesday, March 15, 2017



Field Strong
Foam Rolling
4-Way Hip Stretch
Glute Bridges
Donkey Kicks
Miniband Psoas Activation
Miniband walking series
Front Planks
Seated Sprinting Arm Action
Plank Press Ups
Kneeling Sprinting Arm Action
Scap Push Ups
Standing Sprinting Arm Action
Push Ups

Glute Ham Eccentrics
4-Way Deadbugs

Barbell Deadlift 1x5
Warm Up: 45x5, 135x5, 185x5, 245x3, 295x2
Work: 345x5

Starr Shrugs:

20 Bench Plyo Slaloms
10 Med Ball Slams
Cool Down


I started reading "Alone on the Wall".

Tuesday, March 14, 2017



Throwing - Catching
Wind: 6 mph, Temp: 32 F

Field Strong
Ankle Mobility and Prehab with Superband
Foam Rolling
4-Way Hip Stretch
Miniband psoas activation
Front Plank
Glute Bridges
Donkey Kicks
Jump Rope Workout (20 min)
1-leg hop and sticks
1-leg hop pops
1-leg slalom hops
low hips hip shift
lateral shuffles
upright crossover drill
Walking lunge elbow to instep

Back Squat 3x5
Warm Up: 45x5, 95x5, 110x5, 140x5, 190x5, 230x5, 270x2
Work: 280x4, 280x3, 280x2
Back Off: 225x2x5

Warm Up: BW, 35x5 ea, 60x5 ea
Work: 3x5x80 db per hand
Cool Down


I read more of "The Art of Learning".  The author talks about how to create your own ideal mental state for competition.  Fascinating stuff.


Didn't get 280x3x5 today, I will attempt this again on Thursday.  RLESS progress is going well though.

I listened to an Outside Online podcast today called the "Everest Effect".  It was okay.  I enjoyed the content and the stories, but didn't like how the host got preachy at the end.  I find it can rub me the wrong way pretty easily when hosts conclude shows by making sloppy connections to anecdotally observed societal traits.  I think there is a time and place for wrapping up a story with a moral, it doesn't need to be shoved down our throats after every 30 min podcast.



No Workout - Rest Day


I read more of "The Art of Learning".


I went to IN to see my family, it was great.



Crossover Footwork
Dynamic Warm Up
Crossover Progression:
Varying distance of crossover steps: .5 yd, 1yd, 1.5 yd, 2 yd, as far as possible

Throwing - Touch Passes


I read more of "The Art of Learning".


Great practice tonight.

RIP Trienens hall



Hip and Adductor Prehab Circuit - 40 min


I read a bunch more of "The Art of Learning".


Went to the burbs to see C's family, it was great.

Friday, March 10, 2017



Field Strong
Warm Up
Foam Rolling
4-Way Hip Stretch
Miniband Psoas Activation
Side Planks
Glute Bridges
Donkey Kicks
Ankle Mobility
Toe Touch Squats
Miniband Walks, Front/Side
Back Squat 3x5
Warm Up: 45x8, 95x5, 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 265x2
Work: 275x3x5

Bench Press: 45x10, 95x5, 135x5, 45x20

Warm Up: Bw x 5ea, 35x5 ea
Work: 3x5x75 db per hand

15 yd 1-arm side loaded KB walking lunges
20 Med Ball to Toes
Cool Down

Hip Prehab and Stretching - 10 minutes


I did not read today.


- Back in the summer I tested my 1rm back squat and hit 275 for 1, failing at 295.  So it felt good to go 3x5 at that weight.
- My right shoulder wasn't feeling strong in the bench press movement today, possibly due to a lot of throwing hard yesterday.  I'm considering moving over to 1-arm dumbbell bench for this movement since I have a pretty significant R/L shoulder mobility imbalance.



Throwing - High Wind Throwing Mechanics
Wind: 15 mph gusting to 35 mph, Temp: 50 F

Footwork and Defense
Dynamic Warm Up
Trapside Upline Defense Footwork:
- Lane Drop Step Outside/Inside
- Lade Hip Switch Crossover Outside/Inside
- Pressure Hip Switch Crossover Outside/Inside
Same as above, but upline and back
Offensive cutting practice, playing with crossovers
O/D Handler Cutting with Yiding, Sahaj, Micky
1v1 Reps
Cool Down

Took video this time.


I didn't read today.


I am digging crossover moves right now.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Thoughts on Throwing Mastery

In one of my previous posts I wrote about how to get to a 5/10 in terms of throwing ability.

Champe wrote a post lately lamenting NUT's lack of great throwers.  His words ring true to me, especially his point that great throwers (or even good throwers) cannot develop without putting in work on their own time to grow.  I feel that there are two ways for teams to be successful in the wind: a team either needs to have a small collection of really great wind throwers who can drive the offense (this would be 3 people in the 7+/10 range), or a team needs to have a high quantity of consistent adequate to good throwers (everyone is in the 5/10 to 7/10 range).  If your team does not have any 7+'s, then the path is obvious: elevate everyone as much as you can and try to hit the 2nd path.  This is the path we are pursuing with NUT this year.  (If you are a NUT and you are reading this, this is your reminder to go throw today).

But in future years, it would be tremendously helpful to develop throwers who can attain 7+/10 levels of ability.  This is a long-term development question, and this is what I want to think about today.  So the main question here is how do you go from a 3-5/10 to a 6-8/10?  I am not going to talk about how to get to a 9 or 10, because in my opinion this refers to the best throwers on the planet.  And I would not claim to know anything about how the best throwers in the world have developed.  My goal here is to talk about how to go from average/good to great.

I want to spend some time reflecting on what differentiates a good thrower from a great thrower.  I think defining the differences is helpful because it makes the objective more clear.

So what can great throwers do that good throwers cannot do?
Here's a brainstorm:
1 - Throw smooth, sharp passes regardless of wind or rain
2 - Throw with pace when needed
3 - Throw with weight behind the disc
4 - Control the edge and shape of the throw
5 - A 40+ yard range in a constant 15 mph headwind when unmarked (both sides)
6 - Able to do the first 4 things when pivoting vs a hard mark
7 - Able to throw at a variety of release points while doing the first 4 things
8 - Knows limits and plays within them and the context of the game, regardless of situation
9 - Be able to pull very well
10 - Be able to throw pinpoint, catchable overheads

By contrast, someone who is an average to good thrower (3-5/10) will look more like this:
1 - Throws will wobble or get caught in the wind sometimes (not smooth/sharp enough as appropriate)
2 - Will make disc pace mistakes (either throwing too slowly or too quickly for the situation)
3 - Aren't able to get their weight down and use their hips and core to add power smoothly all the time
4 - Will make shape mistakes on throws occasionally
5 - Can't consistently stretch the field upwind, stifling wind offense
6 - Loses pace or smoothness too much when pivoting
7 - Struggles with multiple release points in wind or against hard marks
8 - May make a few mistakes per game by misjudging limits
9 - Average Puller
10 - Might be less consistent with overhead shots

So I think being a great thrower is about being able to be really dialed in and execute every throw to a very high level.  Good throwers may do this on 90% of their throws, but that extra 10% can make a massive difference, when a couple mistakes can lead to turns, and a couple turns can change the game.

I think that a player can have bad mechanics and put in a lot of work and still get to 3-5/10.  If a player has bad mechanics, I think it's possible they won't be able to grow further without addressing those mechanics issues.

Specifically, if a player has a bad mechanical foundation, they may be limited in terms of how smoothly and sharply they can throw the disc, especially in high wind.  They may also be limited to how much power they are able to transfer into the disc with their hips and legs, and they may also struggle to maintain a smooth forearm and wrist when gripping the disc as tightly as is needed in high wind and with longer throws.

I have a hypothesis that one of the biggest things in all this is how great throwers are able to really dial up their focus and execute a perfect pass every time.  I think this is the standard to which great throwers are held, and if the intent is to go from good to great, players must build comfort operating in this mental space so that it's automatic in gametime.

There is a ton of video out there now of great throwers that can be used as a learning resource and as inspiration.  If you feel you have hit a wall, taking & analyzing video of yourself is a massively important tool for understanding ability level and mechanics issues.



Handler Defense
Dynamic Warm Up
Starting in low hips athletic stance -
(Trapside Flick)
Lane Position:
1 - Hip Shift to Drop Step Turn Outside (Right Foot Initiates)
2 - Hip Shift to Drop Step Turn Inside (Left Foot Initiates)
3 - Hip Shift to Crossover Turn Outside (Left Foot Initiates)
4 - Hip Shift to Crossover Turn Inside (Right Foot Initiates)
1 through 4 but Upline and back
Pressure Position: 1-4
Pressure Position upline and back: 1-4
Cool Down

No video because it was too dark outside, sorry walden.

Throwing - Flick Wrist Mechanics, Invert, Roll Curve, Max snap
Wind: 3 mph, Temp: 45 F

Field Strong
Warm Up
Foam Roll
4-Way Hip
Glute Bridges
Seated Arm Turnover Drill
Scap Push Ups
Half Kneeling Arm Turnover Drill
Full Push Ups
Staggered Stance Arm Turnover Drill

Wall Drill (2 step)
Static Deadbugs
Wall Drill (4 step)
4-way Deadbugs

Barbell Deadlift 1x5:
Warm Up: 135x5, 185x3, 225x3, 275x2, 315x1
Work: 1 x 5 x 335

Power Clean:
Warm Up: Barbell (45)
Work: 95x3, 60 kg x 3, 80 kg x 3

Conditioning - 5 rounds of:
1 min max cals on rower
1 min max reps sandbag power clean (~50 lbs)

This was about 20 cals per min, about 20 reps per min
Cool Down


I did not read.  :(


Felt good



Throwing - Disc Golf
Wind: 7 mph, Temp: pleasant


I read more of "The Art of Learning"


I went to bed super early, it was great.



I did not workout today.


I did not read today.


This was day 2 of MWTD.

Dear NUT,

"...everyone should always be throwing more than they ever thought they could or would want to and their throwing sessions should be focused and goal oriented."

-Alex Snyder, World Class Throwing




I did some pistol squats.  I walked around all day, but this is not really a workout.  I did some planks and wall sits and stretching.


I read more of "The Art of Learning".


This was day 1 of MWTD.



I did not work out.


I read some of "The Art of Learning".


Today I went to MWTD with NUT.

Friday, March 3, 2017



Field Strong
Warm Up
Foam Roll
4-Way Hip Stretch
Glute Bridges
Miniband Psoas activation
Valslide Psoas activation
Side Plank
Front Plank
Miniband In/Outs
Miniband Lateral Walks
Miniband Front Walks
Back Squat 3x5
Warm Up: 45x10, 95x5, 135x5, 185x5, 225x5, 255x2
Work: 270x3x5

Warm Up: Bodyweight, then 35 db per hand
Work: 3x5x 70 db per hand

Bench Press 3x5
Warm Up: 45x5, 95x5, 135x5
Work: 150x3x5
Cool Down Stretching

Hip Mobility - 15 minutes


I read more of "The Art of Learning".  This book speaks to me, I am loving it so far.


I did not throw today, missed opportunity.



Throwing - Max Effort Backhand Mechanics

Footwork & Skills
Dynamic Warm Up
Sprinting Drill Progression
Lateral Shuffling
3-man Marking
Cool Down


I read more of "The Art of Learning".

Wednesday, March 1, 2017



Throwing - Offhands, Overheads, Blades
Wind: 6 mph, Temp: 55 F

Jump Rope and Footwork
Ankle Mobility & Prehab with Band
Jump Rope Workout
1 leg hop progression
1 leg slalom hops progression
Low Stance Hip Shifts
Low D Stance Lateral Shuffling

Field Strong
Seated Arm Action Sprinting Drill
Scap Push Ups
Kneeling Arm Action Sprinting Drill
Standing Arm Action Sprinting Drill
Sprinting Wall Drill (2 steps)
Static Deadbugs
Sprinting Wall Drill (4 steps)
4-Way Deadbugs
Deadlift 1x5
Warm Up: 135x5, 185x3, 225x3, 275x3, 315x1
Work: 325x1x5

10 Sandbag Power Cleans (~50 lbs)
20 KB Step ups (2x 24 kg kbs)
100 yd Sandbag Jog
Cool Down

Hip Stretching and Prehab - 15 minutes


I read some more of "The Art of Learning".


41.4% completion of throwing goal

20.0% completion of footwork goal