Monday, September 26, 2016



Week 2: Day 4
Warm Up: Mini-Band Series, Core Activation, Hamstring Warm Up

Trap Bar Deadlift x 5, Every Minute on the Minute for 10 min (225)

Circuit x 3 of:
- Skater Squats x 10 each leg
- Front Raises x 10 ea (5 lb plates)
- Lateral Raises x 10 ea (5 lb plates)

Hand Release Push-Ups: 5 reps every 30 sec for 4 min


Chapter 3 of "Legacy".

This chapter is basically about how having a greater purpose matters.  The example the author uses is that the All-Blacks have a saying about how they have a mission "to enhance the jersey and pass it on to a better state than what it was when you got it".

A few months ago while WUGC was going on, I was chatting with Andy about how people will find another level within themselves when it feels like there's more at stake.  The example that came to mind is you have talented players who normally work on their game constantly pushing their workouts and preparation to an extreme for WUGC tryouts (across all divisions).  My thought was why aren't these players already going at 100%?  It's obvious that they know what it takes to elevate their game, so why aren't they maximizing it, WUGC or not?  Maybe the extremely motivated can still be motivated further.  The other thought in play was how can teams that don't provide a "USA" across the chest tap into this?  It seems obvious to me that a level of this feeling of something greater is present, even for a team like machine.  But why?  Is it due to the difficulty of making the team?  Is it due to city pride?  Is it due to the teammates you get to play with?  What's at play here?

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