Thursday, September 22, 2016



Week 2: Day 2
Warm Up: Hip stretches, burpees, jumping jacks, mountain climbers, banded front rack and lat stretches
Clean Warm Up: just the barbell

Hang Power Clean: 5x5 (115 lbs)
Bent over row: 3x12 (135 lbs)
Amrap in 7 min of:
- Power Cleans x 10 (95 lbs)
- Burpees
Lateral Lunges (25 lb plate)

Cool down: LAX Glutes


Chapter 1 of "Legacy", By James Kerr

The main theme of this chapter is the strength in humility.  The author talks about how two of the senior players on the All Blacks will sweep the locker room after a game, cleaning up after themselves and the team.  The author goes on to talk about this philosophy of humility and "never being too big for small tasks".  Why is this a powerful image?  Pick an NFL/NBA/MLB/NHL superstar.  Can you imagine them sweeping their locker room?

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