Thursday, September 15, 2016



 360 throws.  1-Leg throwing, Flick/Backhand/Hammer/Scoober.  5-hole Breakmark theory: working on the 4 holes.

10 minutes of foam rolling

Week 1: Day 2 of Natalie Offseason Lifting Plan:
Warm Up - Burpees, Jumping Jacks, Mountain Climbers, Banded Front Rack Mobility
Clean Warm Up (with a dowel, then with a barbell)

Every Minute on the Minute: 3 x Hang Power Cleans at 95 lbs
Strict Pull Ups: 5x5
Circuit x3 (not for time):
Bulgarian Split Squats x 10ea leg (Goblet, 35 lbs)
Isometric Hold 30 sec
Good Mornings x10 (Barbell, 65 lbs)
Side Planks 30 sec ea side

Cool Down - LAX ball glutes, thoracic spine


"Stages of Skill Learning -

A look at the movements and skills being carried out in a peewee league compared to the NFL show a relative similarity in the movement patterns themselves, but a massive difference in the quality of the movements and in the skill abilities at these levels.... In developing these performance levels, all of these athletes would have gone through three distinct learning stages:
- The Cognitive Stage: (Learning a new skill)
- The Motor Stage: (Grooving a skill)
- The Autonomous Stage: (Using a skill in-game automatically)"

- Ian Jeffreys, Gamespeed

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